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Contract Staffing Consultants – Vortex Staffing

Contract Staffing Consultants

Since our inception in 2008, Vortex Staffing is an IT search firm that proudly represents a client list of over 50 of the best tech companies in the industries. Friends of our network have a distinct advantage over those in their peer group because of the deep relationships we have with the companies that we work with.  In many cases, we are working on various positions for the companies that we are working with (Sales, Engineering, Leadership….etc), so not only can we tell you a lot about the company you are being presented, but we also have the relationship capital to get you in front of the right people in order to secure your next assignment.  Since we have developed long-term, multi-leveled relationships with our clients, our candidates are at a significant advantage over those they may be competing with for the position and are more likely to be interviewed and hired for the position.  We place a tremendous amount of effort on quality control and we maintain a reputation for competence and high quality work with our clients.  It is for those reasons that it benefits you significantly to work with us to maximize your earning potential and to land your next great assignment!


Reasons why you should consider Vortex Staffing for your contract/staff augmentation needs.

1) WE WILL NEVER COMPETE WITH YOUR COMPANY FOR BUSINESS!  This is probably the single most important point when it comes to why many companies use our services for their contracting/staff augmentation needs!  Vortex Staffing only works with companies that actually sell technology.  We do not target end user companies like Walgreens, Allstate, Whirlpool, McDonald’s, Walmart….etc.  Why is this important to you?  It’s a jungle out there and most of the contract staffing recruiting agencies out there target the same clients that your company is selling to as their own clients. Time and time again you hear horror stories about how the recruiting agency that you used for some of your contract staffing needs have now taken those relationships and gone direct to the clients your company initially introduced them to.  This act of dishonesty happens on a consistent basis in the contract staffing world, so why take the risk!  In the history of our company Vortex Staffing has never had an “end user” client like some of the aforementioned ones.  Again, we only work with the companies that sell the technology to companies like Walgreens, Walmart, Allstate…..etc   This is one of the main reasons why you should consider working with us over the competition.  Their target clients are precisely the ones that you will introduce them to when you engage in their services.  Why take the risk when you can utilize our services without the risk of us eventually taking those relationships direct?!

2) We aren’t too big to not care about you.  Vortex Staffing is a small family owned business that values the relationships that we have with our clients to a very high degree.  Your business is so important to us and we will do everything we can to embark on and maintain a successful relationship.  A highly profitable one at that!  You will always be able to speak with a live person here, or even an executive from our company to ensure that your own responsibilities are met.

3) We have the ability to help your company greatly increase your services attach rates to the deals your sales team is already closing.  Why concede the highly profitable professional services/staff augmentation business to other companies when you can utilize our services  to secure this revenue and strengthen the relationships you have with your existing clients?

4) Our contract staffing/staff augmentation services do not cost your company a dime unless we successfully source the proper contractor for the assignment. By utilizing our contract staffing services it allows you to have an entire recruiting team dedicated to sourcing these contractors and capturing highly profitable business for your company.  This scenario will always be profitable to your company because the costs and profit will already be predetermined by your company in the proposal that is presented to the client.  This literally is the biggest no brainer in the history of earth!